Premi e riconoscimenti

Il professor Franco Fraccaroli tra i vincitori degli Emerald Literati Award

Il professor Franco Fraccaroli è tra i vincitori degli Emerald Literati Awards 2018 nella categoria “Outstanding Author Contributions”.

L’articolo “Job Design and Older Workers”, cofirmato da Sara Zaniboni e Donald Truxillo, già pubblicato sulla rivista Advanced Series in Management (17° volume, “Age Diversity in the Workplace”), è stato selezionato come uno dei migliori contributi ricevuti dal gruppo editoriale nel corso del 2017.

Gli Emerald Literati Awards sono stati istituiti da Emerald Publishing oltre 25 anni fa per celebrare e premiare l’eccellenza nella ricerca accademica. I criteri seguiti nell’assegnazione dei premi considerano, tra l’altro, l’internazionalità, la diversità, il desiderio di garantire ad autori e lettori la migliore esperienza possibile.

Premio “Young Researcher Best W/O Psychology Paper” - 2018 riconosciuto alla Dott.ssa Michela Vignoli 

La Divisione di "Psicologia per le Organizzazioni dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) ha conferito a Michela Vignoli il premio di  “Young Researcher Best W/O Psychology Paper” per il paper: “Workplace phobic anxiety as a mental health phenomenon in the job demands-resources model”.

Abstract: Purpose. Anxiety-related problems at work are a serious problem in the occupational context, as they come along with sick leave and problems in work participation. The aim of this study is to analyse workplace phobic anxiety in nonclinical context using the Job Demands-Resources model. Methods. The study involved a sample of 739 workers from a retail company, mostly with permanent contracts. Structural equation modelling analyses were performed using AMOS software. Results. Both the health impairment and motivational variables in the JD-R model were significantly related to workplace phobic anxiety and subsequently to absenteeism, specifically, exhaustion mediated between perceived job demands and workplace phobic anxiety and work engagement mediated between perceived job resources and workplace phobic anxiety. Moreover, workplace phobic anxiety was significantly positively related to absenteeism. Conclusions. Results suggest that workplace phobic anxiety is a specific concept and an important issue in organizations for both workers’ health and the organizational costs linked to absenteeism. Supervisors and occupational physicians should be aware of workplace phobic anxiety, especially when workers are on sick leave often or for long periods.

Premio “Outstanding Reviewer” per la rivista Teaching  and Teacher Education - Luglio 2018 riconosciuto al Prof.  Lorenzo Avanzi

La rivista Teaching and Teacher Education ha assegnato nel 2018 al Prof. Avanzi il riconoscimento di "Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing" per i contributi forniti alla qualità della rivista.

Premio “Best PhD Thesis” - 2016 riconosciuto alla Dott.ssa Michela Vignoli

La Divisione di "Psicologia per le Organizzazioni dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) ha conferito a Michela Vignoli il premio di  “Best PhD Thesis” per la tesi di dottorato: “Enhancing Workers’ Well-Being. Scientific and social relevance of managing stress in the workplace”.

Abstract: Purpose. Despite work-related stress is one of the most studied topic in organizational psychology, many aspects as for example the use of different measures (e.g. subjective and objective, qualitative and quantitative) are still under debate. According to this, in order to enhance knowledge concerning which factors and processes contribute to create healthy workplaces, this thesis is composed by four different studies aiming to understand: a) the role of relevant antecedents (e.g. leadership, job demands, work-family conflict, social support etc.) and outcomes (e.g. workplace phobia, absenteeism etc.) of work-related stress; and b) how to manage psychosocial risk factors in the workplace. The studies. The first study focused on how disagreement between supervisors and their employees on leadership style (transformational and transactional) could affect workers well-being and work team variables. The second and third study used both subjective and objective data in order to increase the quality of the reliability of the results gained. Particularly, the second study focused on job demand and its relationship with objective sickness leave. Findings showed that despite there is no direct relationship between these two variables, job demand affects work-family conflict, which in turn affect exhaustion, which leads to absenteeism. The third study analysed the role of a new concept never studied before in organizational settings (workplace phobia), as a health outcome in the JD-R model, demonstrating also its relationship with absenteeism. The last study highlighted the added value of using the mixed methods research approach in order to detect and analyse context-specific job demands which could affects workers’ health. Conclusion. The findings of this thesis answered both to open questions in the scientific literature and to the social request of managing psychosocial risk factors in the workplace in order to enhance workers well-being.

Premio “Young Researcher Best W/O Psychology Paper” - 2015 riconosciuto al Prof. Lorenzo Avanzi

La Divisione di "Psicologia per le Organizzazioni dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) ha conferito a Lorenzo Avanzi il premio di  “Young Researcher Best W/O Psychology Paper” per il paper: “The relation between overcommitment and burnout: Does it depend on employee job satisfaction”.

Abstract: Using the Conservation of Resources (COR) theory as a framework, we hypothesized a maladaptive role played by overcommitment in the escalation of burnout. We further specified our model by testing an interaction effect of job satisfaction. By using a longitudinal design, we proposed a moderated mediational model in which burnout at Time 1 (T1) increases overcommitment, which in turn leads to more burnout one month later. We further expected to find a moderating role of job satisfaction in the link between overcommitment and burnout at Time 2 (T2). A group of 86 white-collar workers in personnel services in Italy (longitudinal response rate = 77.48%) participated in our study. The findings supported our hypotheses even when controlling for gender and role stressors. In particular, by using bootstrapping procedures to test mediation, we found evidence that employees reporting burnout tend to develop a maladaptive coping style, i.e., overcommitment, which in turn increases burnout over time. This relation was particularly strong for dissatisfied employees. These results highlight the importance of overcommitment for burnout escalation, as well as of job satisfaction, since it may mitigate, at least in the short term, the effect of such dysfunctional strategies.

Fellowship of IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology) - Ricevuta dal Professor Franco Fraccaroli - Parigi, 2014

L' IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology) a Parigi nel 2014 ha conferito una fellowship al professor Franco Fraccaroli.

Fellowship of SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) - Ricevuta dal Professor Fraccaroli - Houston, 2013

La SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) a Houston nel 2013 ha conferito una fellowship al professor Franco Fraccaroli.