English version (U.S.A.)
Study objectives:
Mansplaining and more is a cross cultural research project approved by the Ethical Committee of Research at the Univeristy of Trento (September 19th, 2024) and executed in collaboration with the Junior Researcher Programme. The study is carried out by a group of young researchers from across the globe, supervised by University of Trento PhD candidate Miren Chenevert.
The infamous “mansplaining” is just one type of gender competence questioning (GCQ), which refer to communication behaviors that indicate doubts about a woman’s competence based on underlying gender stereotypes. While mansplaining, or condescending explanations, is by far the most discussed dimension, it constitutes only one of the three dimensions that comprise the construct GCQ, alongside voice non-recognition (manscluding) and intrusive interruptions (manterrupting). Although well known in popular culture, little research has investigated GCQ. Due to its novelty, there is currently no scale for measuring all three types of GCQ. This study aims to develop and validate a scale for workplace GCQ cross culturally, explore GCQ’s work-related consequences for women and examine differences and similarities of GCQ experiences and effects across cultures.
Participation guidelines:
You can participate in the study if you:
Are a female worker or PhD student of legal age
Work at least 20 hours per week
Have men in your workplace
Work in the U.S.A.
Have access to a computer, tablet or smartphone
Participation involves:
Participation in the study requires a total commitment of around 10-15 minutes involving the completion of an online questionnaire (completely anonymous) possible via PC, tablet, or smartphone.
Have questions? Contact the U.S.A. data collection representative Miren Chenevert at miren.chenevert@unitn.it