Rolf Van Dick
Avanzi, Lorenzo; Perinelli, Enrico; Bressan, Marco; Balducci, Cristian; Lombardi, Luigi; Fraccaroli, Franco; van Dick, Rolf, "The mediational effect of social support between organizational identification and employees’ health: A three-wave study on the social cure model" in ANXIETY, STRESS, AND COPING, v. in press, (In press).
Avanzi, L., Savadori, L., Fraccaroli, F., Ciampa, V., & van Dick, R. (2020). Too-much-of-a-good-thing? the curvilinear relation between identification, overcommitment, and employee well-being. Current Psychology,
Ciampa, V., Sirowatka, M., Schuh, S. C., Fraccaroli, F., & van Dick, R. (2019). Ambivalent identification as a moderator of the link between organizational identification and counterproductive work behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics,
Ciampa, V., Steffens, N. K., Schuh, S. C., Fraccaroli, F., & van Dick, R. (2019). Identity and stress: An application of the expanded model of organisational identification in predicting strain at work. Work and Stress, 33(4), 351-365.
Junker, N. M., van Dick, R., Avanzi, L., Häusser, J. A., & Mojzisch, A. (2019). Exploring the mechanisms underlying the social identity–ill-health link: Longitudinal and experimental evidence. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(4), 991-1007.
Avanzi, L., Fraccaroli, F., Castelli, L., Marcionetti, J., Crescentini, A., Balducci, C., & van Dick, R. (2018). How to mobilize social support against workload and burnout: The role of organizational identification. Teaching and Teacher Education, 69, 154-167.
Avanzi, L., Albertini, S., Fraccaroli, F., Sarchielli, G., De Plato, G., & van Dick, R. (2018). Exploring identity dynamics from a combined social exchange and social identity perspective. International Public Management Journal, 21(4), 677-702.
van Dick, R., Lemoine, J. E., Steffens, N. K., Kerschreiter, R., Akfirat, S. A., Avanzi, L., . . . Haslam, S. A. (2018). Identity leadership going global: Validation of the identity leadership inventory across 20 countries. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(4), 697-728.
Avanzi, L., Schuh, S. C., Fraccaroli, F., & van Dick, R. (2015). Why does organizational identification relate to reduced employee burnout? the mediating influence of social support and collective efficacy. Work and Stress, 29(1), 1-10.
Avanzi, L., Fraccaroli, F., Sarchielli, G., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2014). Staying or leaving: A combined social identity and social exchange approach to predicting employee turnover intentions. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63(3), 272-289.
Avanzi, L., van Dick, R., Fraccaroli, F., & Sarchielli, G. (2012). The downside of organizational identification: Relations between identification, workaholism and well-being. Work and Stress, 26(3), 289-307.